Be in the Know to Be Aware and Prepared

On my map of the future, the floods that are currently occurring in Manitoba, Canada and in North Dakota, USA are shown.  When I foretold of tornadoes for the USA during winter months in areas that would not normally have them, I was told that tornadoes don’t occur there during the winter. Yet, my prophecy was right on again.  This is not an ego trip for me, but I realise that somehow or other it would be nice that the public at large took more note and started to be more in the know.

For many years I have given accurate forecasts and thereby helped humanity with their preparedness and survival for the times at hand.  The safety locations I give in my book, “Be in the Know,” take all happenings into consideration, including earth changes, man-made events, financial collapses, famine, wars, etc.  I urge people to come together and empower one another during these difficult times.  I have long called on humanity to have a sense of compassion for one another.  I’ve often said on air over the past years that you can’t eat silver and gold when the currencies are devalued and that eventually silver, gold and platinum will be made illegal to own.  In offering my Soul Journey series of radio show over the past 8 years, I have spoken at length of the need to elevate your spirituality and make connection with the Creator and Ethereans, who will be here to assist and guide you during perilous times. Don’t forget that you are never alone.  You must learn to be in spiritual attunement so that you will know when there is danger to which you must react.  In “Be in the Know,” I speak of the wars that take place on earth and the simultaneous wars taking place in the heavenly plateaus above the earth. This is a struggle between light and dark – both here and there, as I go on to explain in the book.  Remember that it is your soul, spirit and mind connection that is paramount, not the brain or body.  The powers that be have equipment now that can influence and control the brain.  The reason I teach people how to develop their soul connection is to ensure they are empowered and not controlled in days to come.

The fortunetellers need not worry.  I am not in the fortune telling business.  Since the age of four, I have told of world events to come and many have given testimonials to verify what I have foretold.  I believe that humanity was and is confused and have been misled for 4,000 years.  Now the risk for world war and human suffering is great.  Electronic spying and controlling is at hand – though computers, television, cell phones, x-rays at airports and customs, phone taps, taser-crazed police, spying neighbours, etc.  Oh, you need to wake up now.  As I have foretold, they will sedate you through your water supply if it is government owned. Forced euthanasia for those 55 years and older is planned for the future to lessen high health care costs.   But watch out for the fear mongers.

I urge you to be calm and start to reason. Come into your own reality and wisdom, so that you may start to prepare yourself through calm understanding for the future.  Those who I warned in 1996 that an economic collapse was coming, did well if they prepared themselves for what is now happening and will deteriorate further.  Don’t forget, as I have also long said… you are not in global warming. you are in a polar wobble and it is the Creator who ultimately knows and decides what shall take place upon this planet and how mother earth will react to the abuse heaped upon it. These times are no different than when Atlantis sank.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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