A Time for Us – A Time for Women

I have long spoken of the rise of women into their spiritual empowerment and of women being the ones who will lead this planet into change and peace. Women globally must rise out of suppression, oppression and abuse.  It is your time. You are not second class citizens.  Regardless of what some religions tout, you are not without soul. All created by the Creator are of soul and equal.  This planet is ready for the female energy to come into its empowerment to help in bringing change, healing, kindness and compassion to a world which has sunk into darkness.

I am not an astrologer but I do find astrological events of interest.
It was written by Isabelle Ghaneh that “a unique astrological event
occurred on June 8, 2004 when Venus, the planet of women, love and
beauty, crossed the Sun for the first time since 1982.  Venus transit
to the Sun indicated that a new era was starting for women in general
and that there would be a new emphasis on the female of the species,
along with her achievements, desires and aspirations…..Venus transits the Sun again in 2012 – after that, Venus won’t pass directly between the Sun and Earth until 2117.”  What I find interesting is that it was in 2004 that I was appointed International Peace Speaker for First Nations and named the Saoshyant, spiritual leader of Zarathustrians from ancient times – 10,000 plus years ago.

Female energy is needed more now than it ever has in the past.  It is so important to the survival of this planet that this energy unfolds and flourishes.  In my prophecies, I speak of those whose intent is to create a male who can reproduce, thus removing the base need for women to exist at all. This does not have to happen.  Woman must claim their feminine spirit to blossom and bring balance in all spiritual things,as nature calls out for balance, love and compassion. .

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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