The Agenda – Spiritual Destruction, Religious Reorganisation/Cleansing?

Is spiritual destruction and religious reorganising and cleansing part of the otherworldly war I speak about that is taking place upon and above this planet?  It this part of the final fight over control of the resources on earth?  Are there those amongst you who realise that this kind of action is taking place?

Today and everyday I speak with great respect to all who live life with deep reverence for life and the divine, all-perfect energy – the Creator – mother/father creative energy.  The angelic realms and the Ethereans call for an awakening of all souls to realise that our planet is about to go through a change – a falling into a loss of spiritual being of the masses by being driven into control by bringing the power of confusion into being.  The intent is for Rome (Vatican) and its manipulators to become the ultimate ruling place and it will invite in a whole slew of religions, including various sects of Christians, Buddhists, Moslems, some Spiritualists, some involved in witchcraft and satanists.  The exception will be those who know of, and abide by, the ancient ways. That is why they become the ones who are “expendable” (eg. First Nations and Aftricans who did not “convert” and who long to return their spiritual ways, old-time spiritualists and original Zarathustrians, etc. who were able to communicate with spirit).

The tribulation started when two Catholic Popes fought for final control and from which one Pope’s break off became the Moslem faith while the other Pope remained in Rome.  All these “isms” coming together will not work and millions will suffer.  Hundreds of thousands have already been murdered for their beliefs over the last thousands of years in order for Rome to gain control. You were stoked up to hate each other with the result being a New World Order religious control.  Many of the great thinkers are murdered, or set up to be discredited or jailed so that the powers of Rome can continue the march onwards.  Find out who is driving the brutal machine to control the planet by manipulating the masses. Think, reason and communicate.  The frontiers are India, Africa and then don’t forget Iran.  Tibet has already come to its point of falling. A religious overhaul is now taking place.  Wake-up. Don’t lose your connection with the Creator – the mother/father energy.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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One Response to The Agenda – Spiritual Destruction, Religious Reorganisation/Cleansing?

  1. raschwezi13 says:

    May your teachings be heard on the 4 corners of the world by the one on the path to pureness and light.

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