Wisdom of the Soul

We must learn to listen to the ever-so-small voice of our soul, which will whisper and guide us into being the best we can be, to bring out our highest good and guide us to a great and empowered life.

Empowerment is not in riches but in who we truly are. And so we must strive to give the very best of ourselves to offer help upon the planet.  Memory cannot be erased.  The memory of Zarathustra cannot be erased although many religions and others have tried to do so.   The universal soul knows us all.  Mankind must change before it is too late.  There is accountability for actions.  Those who do wrong or have done wrong until today can choose to change and correct their actions of the past.  Many who have fallen can rise to greatness.  Those who have never fallen will not know the pain and sense of loss of having fallen. Her or she who has never struggled or has not tasted the bitter cup or been in pain or hunger will never appreciate when struggle is no longer needed for growth.

Mankind must be empowered in their spiritual path.  All the disclosures, etc. in the world will not help elevate people on their spiritual path.  It will induce fear.  Knowledge is power but fear mongering disharmonizes the soul. Having knowledge – being in the know – coupled with spiritual empowerment is what can give people what they need to truly change not just themselves, but humanity as a whole.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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