A Word About Politics in Canada

I am a spiritual being but this does not exclude me from having political views which support the freedom, safety and empowerment of the people.

I have been a long-time supporter of the Liberal Party.  However, with regard to Canada’s current Liberal leader, Michael Ignatieff, I believe that Canadians would not want a person leading the Liberal party or as prime minister of Canada whose loyalties lie with the USA and who is currently creating dissension amongst the ranks and in interest in the party.   Most long-time liberals I know do not feel secure or trust what is taking place within the Liberal Party at this moment.  I have spoken with many people about the situation, who have come to the realization that it would be a very good idea to hold a new leadership election for the Liberal Party in order that they have a fair chance of defeating the Conservative government currently in power under Prime Minister Harper.

Unfortunately, we are currently seeing the good reputation of Canada as a peaceful and just nation quickly being frittered away into mediocrity.  I believe that it appears to some looking in from the outside, that Canada is becoming a dictatorship, with Prime Minister Harper selling Canada out to the USA.  Since he currently has a minority government, many are concerned that if an election is called soon, the Conservatives will obtain a majority government and many Canadians will lose out again.

It is a tragedy to see that billions of dollars are trucked out of Canada into a war (Afghanistan) we have no business participating in as warriors, as opposed to peace  makers and ones who would help rebuild infrastructures, etc.  I’m a former coordinator for Amnesty International and do not want to see Canada accused of, or be involved in, secondary torture (as in the recent scandal developing with detainees having been handed over to local authorities), tarnishing the hearts and memories of all good Canadians around the world.

On the home front, we are seeing thousands upon thousands of seniors living below the poverty line thinking that there is no place for them even though they are the tax payers of the past who paved the way for today.  The seniors are the ones upon which Canada’s good reputation was built.

Canada needs to rebuild the Liberal Party and ensure that there is a voice for the elders as well as the young.  I urge all to open your eyes before you fall totally into a dictatorship which sees Canada completely sold out to the USA, with borders that come down.  Canada and the USA are the largest trading partners of each other.  They have long had a peaceful relationship and good friendship.  I have many friends in the USA and many there who follow my teachings.  The USA is a good neighbour but the government should never be invited to become Canada’s future ruler.

On the health front, I would like to say that those from the USA who have followed my teachings over many years have often voiced their concerns of how not having accessible health and dental care for all has destroyed the lives of many they knew.   I watch as people in the USA are being programmed to believe that socialized medicine is communistic, which is not true.  Health care has nothing to do with politics.  It is about your life.  People need to look not just at Canada’s medical system but at those in European countries who have long taken care of the health needs of their citizens and remain democratic countries, as does Canada. The people need to be educated about this and people should not become victims of fear mongering from people who have other political agendas.  More money is spent on war activities and weapon manufacturing than can even touch what is spent or would be spent on health care.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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