Insightfulness for Those Who Desire Spiritual Wisdom and Empowerment

You are now hearing about new planets having been discovered.  Just as I foretold, mankind will come to realise that there are many more galaxies and liveable planets and of course planets with space ships.

You have those who speak about global warming and rain.  In November 1966 in Vancouver we experienced forty days of non-stop rain, followed by snow and very cold temperatures.  There was no ‘global warming’ then.  Now we see fish leaving for other climates.  Winter fish are moving to summer waters and summer fish to winter waters.  As I have long said, this is indication of the polar wobble we are now in, the precursor to a polar shift.  It is not global warming or the end of the world.  As the changing climate resulting from polar wobble/shift activity occurs, wars ahead will be for food and water.

All life flows through pure air like a spark of pure fire called soul, life, spirit and compassion.  Air is the vehicle of the universes for divine souls to exist in forever time.  The divine mother of our all of pure beings – Hagia Sophia – is the good mother of gods who are all around us and in us, celebrating life.

It is now time to re-empower ancient astrology – the practices of ancient Iran, Egypt and India.  At a time Italy and even Mexico gave evidence of the great past knowledge of astronomy and astrology and the great synchronicity of the vibrations and soul/spirit responses.

So many claim to be the light but have not found the switch to turn it on so that the pure know to let the divine light shine through us all to create great peace and harmony.  So be in the know and claim not the All of the All, since it is not just one but all of the many universes which need peace and joy.

Discover self first before discovering others.  The unknown must not be studied since it is unknown. When you take the time to seek the divine do you forget to look within to find pure divine creation?

Every soul that comes to planet earth exists with an open mind, spirit and soul moment in history of its evolvement.  When all races stand upon the earth, form a circle and close our eyes, we are in our own universe.  With open eyes we are our own individual collective world and share the same world, yet experience it differently.  We are all at the same point. We feel and know a different experience of cosmos and life.

We can read about a life and study it but still not know it.  Like the ultimate journey of the soul and spirit in the experience of being, the human race as a whole needs to come into an awakening in the next 100 years to live life in the full awareness of being – like one supreme consciousness, abandoning religiousness and being soul and spirit in fullness.  You are living in a time of reason, walking in each other’s time, learning to be ready to swim in the ocean of life, sharing one sea of cosmic being, abandoning all freely.

I am into “we are.”  We need to live life in perfecting vibration of the whole being, living from all chakras – not only two, but all.  Understand self first before we praise or condemn.  We must know self and what motivates us in our lowest to highest aims.  Zarathustra told us to find Creator and the universe within our heart and soul.

Stillness can be loud and noise becomes pure when we seek to understand self in creation – as above, so below.  All life vibrates in our own universe and in the divine universes and galaxies far away and near, finding and connecting with the Creator around us.  Is this in selfish pursuit?  The Holy Spirit is a woman – Hagia Sophia in Latin.  She was lost and became a male reference.  We must call back the great mother and bring back Creator and divine consciousness and caring.  The peace of what is missing is to be found.  Be still.  Your true feminine has not left.

On the battlefield of male life all have a responsibility to awaken the divine in us and not be robbed of peace on earth.  Now is the time to awaken all humanity in self and as a collective.  The age of Aquarius must wash away our confusion and stop making the All of the All a male god.  When we speak of Creator, think female and male and we will have it right.  Soon the mother who nurtures life, offers it in to being. Now we need to learn to share and not hoard our nature and compassion.

Awaken the perfect and we will come through these times. Practise selflessness now. Change is at hand.  Loving all is the word.  Love each other.  Forgive and know one creation – the great pureness in each one. Help to wash away pain and hunger for compassion.  Make life whole and in balance.  The Creator is in all – everyone .  We need to set ourselves free from concrete and steel hearts, like the tragic buildings made with fake lawns and plastic trees – free from hollow lives and lots of falseness.  There is no need to celebrate fake light, when the light shines within pales all artificial light. So look for purity.  End the great fundamentalist movements.  Is there only one way to Mecca?  Oh yes, in Holland many years ago there was a chocolate and cookie bar called Mecca.  It did not last.  Gods are gods and there are many of them.  Look around. There are Shinto gods and goddesses, Chinese gods, Japanese gods and one goddess, Christian gods and no goddesses, etc. The reference to Creator has been abandoned, except in the aboriginal world in some places.

There is greed for bigger churches in fundamental beliefs.  People do not see themselves, but only the size of their church and more concrete.  They have less heart.  I learned that their empty pews had no hearts.  Now that so many are out of work the churches need to give love and compassion.  Otherwise, they will come to an end.

A world of male dominance will wash away self in the next 150 years.  We will see it desperately rise in the form of Islam since people have lost the Mother. Yet when the pain is great they will seek comfort in her bosom – soon, within the next years.

Awaken.  It is not gold that brings peace.  Look at what happened to Bernard Madoff.  Be wise.  Learn to love and have peace and compassion for one another.  Otherwise, you will destroy the planet you live on through explosions, war and greedy ways.  All who love the planet need to rise and stop the wars and destruction.  Now is the time to rise up as a spiritual humanity and correct the pain of religions.  We can all come as one and change in deed and consciousness before all ends in paranoia of who is right.

The he/she Creator is all you need.  Study what Zarathustra said to all. Honour your mother and her love.  Respect your father.  Both are in you.  Mother is the one needed in all. We are living on mother earth and I want to help the mother energy to spread around the globe.  I call all women to awaken and bring out the feminine on earth’s frequency.  We need to ask all to hold hands and attune our souls to bring peace.  Stop wasting foods around the planet.  End all plastic waste.  Be conscious of all life.
May we all understand the acts of peaceful living, stopping bigots who claim their religion is the one when they can’t stop hating life and keep on killing all who are different from them.  May their inner divine mother awaken.

We will see Jews, Christians and Muslims discover the teachings of Zarathustra’s mother, before the coming of Zarathustra, and the work of male religions to eradicate the truth of all that was and still is now.   You will see the reawakening of the female part of Creator.  So many of the ancient prophetess’ energies were made into male stories.  Evidence was burned to cover up the path and threat of people knowing all.

Countries need to come together and share food and water.  Rains can be created in Africa.  Natural medicine needs to become available to all.  Create a world of peace.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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