Understanding Universal Love

Come to be in the know and understand universal love.  One of the major powers on the planet is love.  Men and women have risked all for it.  They have built great buildings in memory of the great loves in their lives.

It shows if you love all.  It means that you have an open soul and love self unconditionally.  When you are aware, your love is awakened and is part of universal love.  Then you have set yourself in harmony with the divine mother/father Creator and are one of pure creation.

Know Vishnu Purani Meri Atma Hai.  All pure Vishnu means the universe.  Purani are living beings.  Meri means mine.  Atma is the self – soul.  To know the meaning of this all saying, is that all the living in this universe and the lovely universes are self – the I, me.  When you come to realise the oneness, you also understand the planet.  So, when you go to war, you murder the All of the All created women, men, animals and all living things.

I love all, even the confused and broken ones.  I even pray for all killers and for the ones who are so decrepit and filled with hatred, boxed in fear with no hope and even for the hateful religious ones, the deranged Muslims, the racists from every part of the universes and the ones who are self-righteous for all arrogance committed.

I pray for you dear planet and your suffering from the ones who never knew respect for divine life and creation – me, you, all.

So think what if you were the All of the All, purely created.  Who should you fight against?  Who should you kill?  You are all one.  Really, I am you and you are me, wherever you are.   Whatever you do to the planet, you do to self.  Whatever you pollute, you pollute self. This is one planet – one magnificent creation.

When we see and know negative behaviour, it vibrates around us.  When one hates, your actions are felt.  Step aside.  Leave or send off the anger.  Learn to create healing.  When one is dark and a devil and you know people are so clever but at the same time stupid, arrogant creatures, sometimes they are brainwashed by the ones in a stupor of confusion, ego, deranged victimizing, greediness and bad habits – ones who are never satisfied with life and are dirty and confused.  Understanding self-love is to find attachment.  To rule and own freedom is pure.  So, develop in your heart the knowing of harmony, for love heals all.  If there are harsh deeds done to you or even words said against you, forgive.  Know it but move on.  Don’t return to the pain since it hurts your soul – your heart’s vibration.  Be noble.  Remember that the hardest thing on earth is to eat little and to forgive.  Set free your ego.  It is in the way.  The “I” is the one.  Start new, treating others as you would want to be treated.  Kindness heals all and greediness creates loneliness.  Sharing is the path to oneness as a planet.  Don’t enslave yourself to self-aggrandizing – as to have and never have enough.  Starting today, love others.  Forgive.  Uplift the self – the hater of ???.  Living needs to heal.  I call you wherever you are going.  Just let your love be the healer, even when you come across a dangerous animal.  Send it love and be at peace.  You will be okay.  Even in a dark alley have no fear.  Send love around you.  Practise yoga of the heart sending love to the planet and all who are on it.  When one is deranged, first love it and them remove it by stepping aside.  When it comes to your house, make an offering and ask it to go.  You will have your peace returned if you are the pure one who loves the planet that the All of the All created to celebrate through love and great peace.

No religion is needed.  Your spirituality is you.  Use it.  Know it.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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