Vegetarianism and Spiritual Life

The time has come.  No more saying that you are living a spiritual life when you are killing and eating animals, mammals, sea life and birds.  Meat eaters elevate themselves above all other life and conveniently ignore that what they are consuming could have more intelligence and brain power then they themselves do and that the consumption will create karmic disaster for them. Even the dumping of garbage into the oceans and onto our lands creates great suffering for all life and reverberates into the auric frequencies of the planet.

Now, more than ever, humanity needs to claim to become the very human beings they were designed to be and open up to be in discipline of pure life and living – abandoning racism and accepting different teachings from cradle to grave.   It is not about your colour or country of origin.  It is to be or to become the walk and celebrate the positive differences.  No saying, “I am a better one than you because of my cradle location or whether I am rich or poor or beautiful or not.”

The great case is with humanity – the spirit, the soul – the ending of hatred and raising of spirituality by ending barbaric living and wars.  End the slaughter of all creatures great and small.  Eating of them defiles one’s soul and spirit.

One can’t say, “I am so spiritually advanced. I’m only a carnivore or cannibal once a month. The Dalai Lama has been seen eating hamburgers with bacon.   If a person has had a past liver condition, then their food choices would be different.  The Dalai Lama wears rubber thongs in the USA and leather shoes and gray woolen suits, hats and berets in Britain.  In Rome, the Pope eats fish on Fridays.  He likes salmon, caviar and other exotic fish.  The other days he eats roasts of some other creatures.  Think of the thousands of chickens, ducks and other creatures consumed and the fear these creatures go through during slaughter.  As I have long said, this fear and terror is carried at a cellular level and that is what the meat eater’s spirit and soul have to deal with when the food is consumed.  Let’s not forget the other ancient practices of barbaric eating too.  These people claim to be evolved but live life as barbarians.  You New Agers should remember that, when you bite into a wurst sausage or deep-fried chicken, your soul suffers by what you eat.

To the ones who are meat eaters, war mongers, killers and who even kill their own religious followers or family members – whether you follow Rome or are break-offs from the Roman religion (e.g. Muslims, Mennonites, Hutterites, Lutherans, Orthodox Greeks, Orthodox Russians, Protestants, etc.) – now is the time to awaken and realise that the choices you make today impact your karma today and in your after life.  It is well known that meat eating increases aggression in people and that vegetarians statistically live longer, healthier lives.

The time of coming global changes is fast approaching.  Those who believe 2012 is the date, need to become aware of the real counting of time and how it impacts this perceived date.  More on this later.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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