Living in the Now, and Not in the Know?

Let us see what happened to First Nations people in North America with their wonderful trusting hearts and belief in the Creator.  When white man came to North America with religions they wanted to enforce, they offered innocent First Nations trinkets, and lousy beads, horrible rifles and murderous guns – to people who had lived for thousands of years on these shores, respecting the land and Creator, trusting and believing that all those who came with their fancy clothes and shiny boats would be men and women of honour.

If First Nations had lived in the know, and not in the now, they would not have been short-changed and robbed of their lands.  This is out of the mouth of a repatriated First Nations’ victim who returned to North America and who understands that living in the now is only wonderful when everything is in harmony.   It is like looking at time that we cannot turn back.

My First Nations ancestors and relations were betrayed by a government who robbed them of their ancestral land but even more so by the Roman Catholic Church, which dragged them off their beloved shores to ships waiting to return to Europe, while promising that they would soon be brought back. But the reality was that many of them froze to death, lost limbs and suffered unbelievable pain, torture and starvation before arriving on European shores.  And upon arriving in Holland, they were put on display as savages in wild animal cages – the ones that is who were still alive, for most perished or were murdered.  This is true history, written and catalogued in Maine, USA and in Eastern Canada. Those who survived met horrific endings to their lives, except for two who were rescued by a Judaic family.

So isn’t it better, given the current financial crisis in Greece, that the people there be in the know?  We can see that Greece is in the same condition as was Germany before WWII, with hundreds of thousands of people in hardship and poverty.  What an easy prey for some crazed dictator and some manipulative greedy banks to use Greece as a tool when WWIII is started off.   It makes one shudder.

Paper money will soon be worthless. Oh, let us smile.  Should we send tankers full of Canadian loonies and townies?  Perhaps the pirates will get them. That would be a good reward for some of the corrupt banks.  Or maybe ETs will take them to Mars or some other far-off planet, as the dreamers might think  Or would it be not-so-far-for fetched for them to end up in some underground facility in the far north?

Oh, by the way, have you woken up yet that this planet is not in global warming but rather that it is a polar shift the planet is undergoing?  Just food for thought, isn’t it?

If you have read my book, “Be in the Know,” let me know if you want to live in the now or the know.  With all due respect to those Native elders who are still living in the now.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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