Don’t Be Entrapped – Awaken – Change

So many live their lives in the dark of not knowing because of religions and what they teach the planet.  So many are entrapped in the new Buddhist way.  So many are told they will go to hell if they do not believe in Jesus or that they won’t go to paradise if they don’t follow Muhammad or the New World Order Religion, and so on.  We have spiritualism but many spiritualists are into the ‘Jesus saves’ and have totally forgotten what Zarathustra taught to this world.  Now the time is here. All need to know that the time of great changes is upon us.

The need is so great to be ready.  Number one is your conscious life on earth.  One must learn to forgive self and this is more difficult.  To reach pure life is to obey Creator.  Stop all murder of all living beings and that includes all who breathe.  Then forgive others.  Tasting what is in you is not easy going. Day by day, year by year – see who you are.  Write a note to yourself.  See how good you feel letting go of evil memories of those things you wanted to forget.  Now you are dealing with and repairing your life for the next realms – awakening in pure life – living in joy.

There is no death for the pure of soul – the ones who have changed, abandoned greed and the ‘me, me’ life and learned to be kind and selfless.  Free yourself now.  Prepare for the great shift of consciousness.  The year 2010 is the grand year for all to be aware to be ready.  Meditate, eat fresh fruits which are grown from trees, nuts, coconut milk, vegetables grown above ground and no dairy.  Be filled with kindness.  This is the reawakening of our planet.  Someone who reads this must know that a time of crossing over is, of course, a possibility of leaving this earth body to grow more ready to be a body of light – the same as others will be and are spirit.  Be strong.  Know your path.  Money is not buying life.  It gives responsibility and by being kind and of pure heart you make it to great levels of pure life.  Make adjustments now.  Don’t consume meats.  Know the paint of karma.  You can be free.

The chance is now to build a better time for our planet.  The great chance was told to be during these times.  Realise the great story in the writing of Oahspe (as told to John Ballou Newbrough) and later kept to be accessible to our planet and all humanity through a great selfless deed to all, who now need to realise that changing is a great purification.

Keep your eye on the warring amongst religions and the great followings they have created to hate each other. Christians and Protestants hate Catholics.  Catholics say the Jews are the Jesus killers. Then the Muslims hate all Jews and Christians. And then we have the Dalai Lama rounding up millions like a pied piper.  If prophecies are true he would be found as an end time beginning leader there to gather souls.  My insight is that he was Hitler trained, and Hitler wanted Napolean-like reign.  Control is control over the planet.

Iran is going backwards, breaking trust and harmony. It is a time to create harmony amongst all who are there – male and female and diverse religions – to be at peace.  An ancient land like Iran now, more than before, needs to realise that by suppressing and suffocating, they are strangling families and spiritual life.  Then we have the barbaric way of suffering in North Korea – a vicious stranglehold on all the people and no economical help for the poor.  Hate and suffocations need to be left behind. Free is the word.  The educated can rebuild.  Spiritually is the whole being.  The teachings of Zarathustra are now more important than ever – knowing a pure path to pure life now and ending racial hatred by living in spiritual peace.  So let us look again.  Let all use wisdom. Help each other by being here in kindness and wisdom.  Teach the unknowing about karma and to change old karma, fears and hatred.  Fill our hearts with love and peace to all.  End all hate.  Start a new earth cycle – loving life.  Travel now into an empowered, kind and harmonious world.  A new life will be born for those who cast off their old hatred and religious fanatical life, to start again peacefully and harmoniously.

So many realise there are many gods. So many are gods to be.  Creator offered pure power to all.  Reach out and know you had many journeys to planet earth and that your divine light will shine from your soul to call out and offer harmony if you are in a state of receiving and open to a grand move in pure knowing and understanding that you are pure spirit and divine soul.  To forgive self is the most difficult.  When one is real within self, help those who are in need.

This is the time that many will come forward and will say they are they are the one. The planet has travelled though many layers in the universes.  We can even say that the great serpent has come and travelled over the planet.  Where it came, there have been wars, famine, earthquakes, droughts and racial hatred.  Strange religions will appear to steal the souls of mankind and put them in a holding place.

Let us now look back but don’t forget the time you are in.  After Zarathustra was on earth, there  have been many saviours who imitated the ‘let me save you’ or ‘come to me, I will give you everlasting life in paradise.’  Well, we also need to look at the false Buddha who appeared long after the first He/She.

Creator said not to follow a man or woman born out of a woman who claims to be a god.  Many will worship men in the end times who claim they are the Messiah.  Those in their faith will be told that they are the Messiah – the awaited one – the long awaited Matreya.    Never can a man create him/herself to be a god in the figure of man.  Do not worship the fabricated.  Abandon idol worship.  Read Oahspe 344.9 – 349.13.  Know your Creator.  See the past saviours and know that after Zarathustra – the pure one – that there were no saviours on earth – only impostors or false wannabes. See the lines and times of the same.  2010 is the time to awaken to real caring.  The true ones are awakening to be caring and kind. For the true great ones, the last great time is now.  Don’t wait.  Those who are greedy and selfish will not prevail.

Creator will do the judgement.  See how may will prevail peacefully and join now the angels,  Ethereans and other higher beings who are there and here for the good of our planet.  Awaken. Stand without fear.  Open up your consciousness.  We are like a chain of pure life with the angels and other pure beings.  Now you are all connecting with the whales, the birds, animals – goats, cows, dogs, cats – connecting in spirit and reaching out in true soul energy. Your subconscious brain and mind is stored at full capacity from the first earth breath to this moment.  It is all knowing for the future and is the most prefect memory bank of our past times and the great window of the future – through pure meditation in the heart – reaching the great Akashic record.

So let us look at the now and know choices to make.  Proving is the today word but long ago spiritually one could. Now knowing Creator is to go silent within. Reach the Ethereans to go to the place deep in you – to rise up and be free. The path of knowing is now.

Come to know the walk.  Concentrate.  The time will come.  Learn to be still.  Let go of religion.  Know the past and reach out to tomorrow.  Learn about life, life after death and the great awakening tomorrow.  Be prepared.  Learn from the one who was there in the place.  See your karma and all your karmas at one time to see you are sincere.   Creator knows your intent.  Know that we are here in the now to create a better life on planet earth.  Change is to choose the sure over the unsure life path. Be in the know, reaching out to a better earth.

So, we must look at the past – reincarnation – passing through history.  Find the truth – the law of now karma in one life.  You can learn all by walking in the time of others, by living conscious of all your actions – kindness, good deeds, empowering others through good deeds and relieving the planet of suffering the horrors we are all part of.  The wars and racism bred in by religions and the so-called rich, or other types of conditions and forms of abuse, are called karma.  It is a great realisation to see that even in these times there is not a great concern for the planet and all who are travelling in space.

Now let us see how we can change. Yes, change.  Forgive self.  Start again by organizing a wonderful, forgive-me planet.  Honour the universes. This is a call to stop the wars.  Clean up all the DU (depleted uranium).  End all violence.  Come to a just society where all children respect elders and elders know to teach respect.  All two legged ones need to honour creation to enter into the green time of peace again, to heal our planet and all life, to have pure beginnings and to enter into a pure white time – starting again.  When someone asks Creator to forgive us all who have been so out of balance in using our planet and asks for all the great blessings, they cant forget to stop all wars – whether small ones or the ones created out of greed where new karma is being created. Don’t wait until it is too late.  Karma is a tool to awaken onto the right pathway.  When we think about karma, know that the one who planted a bomb in the sand and someone lost their legs as a result, that this one will meet the warrior and see clearly the effect of karma within.

In later times there is cosmically to come a realising of wrongs done and to receive learning of great soul expansion.  We need to come to know.  Do not think you are one gender in the other realms.  Some of the souls who came to earth have made a realisation regarding male/female paths of life.  Even when a path was chosen to be female or male when arrangements were made, one could arrange to be male and be born looking like a nice little boy but lo and behold have a wonderful girl behaviour in a boy’s body. This is a soul trapped in the wrong body – a learning curve for the soul.  We most need to know that the soul is perfect – not trapped in a script but a choice made in the pure self.  Creator is the one and we need to remember there is a whole other place of existence other than the earth.  There are harmonious places and we know the many races of all beings.  Know that the seen and the unseen are all part of the All of the All.  Many plateaus are part of creation.  My life-after-life journeys showed me the places and I share with you my secrets of everlasting life and the pure places.

Know that the planet had a time of growth in the beginning stage of the mammoth and dinosaurs – and a time of infusion of this day.  I say to you – the great bee – that the sign is given to you.  Change of the cell.  Cometh she forth a queen – even from the same manner of germ as the other bees.  Know now again and remember the wise will know.  Remember that planet earth is no longer in the same place of the firmament as in the time of old.  May this be an awakening – a time of great change and the coming travail of the earth plane.  So as I have said in the past, I have travelled off the earth to other galaxies.  Know that Creator is the unity – the pure I Am – the unity of the whole.  So, all need to understand the glory and the magnificence of the other corporeal worlds. Earth is not the only place. So many have pushed the divine into the background and named self or been named by Itgens.  Others have put forward what they wanted to sell to mankind.  Now the planet is filled with people in confusion.  We see a need to come to awaken to Creator – called Jehovih. This is not the same as Jehovah, which the Christian sect who call themselves Jehovah Witnesses refers to.

Know the planet from creation until today. First it must have had a 98º-Fahrenheit temperature for nine months.  Then came the Asuan race which lived for 8,000 years.  Humanity was created in tropical areas on earth.  At the time of mankind’s coming into being we need to know that the planet travelled to where it now is travelling. Eggs were hatched to breed birds when there was no mother to hatch them.  Many animals were created on the sides of lakes and oceans. It was maybe 102º-Fahrenheit in certain places.  Even volcanoes were of importance.  To see a great mastodon created near a lake and a great volcano.  Sargis now are common and give proof of spirit life in Semuan element.  Know that horse and the mule are not related and never ever will evolve into another.  Know that planet earth was once a globe of molten fire liquid and Creator rained Semuan on the planet and by virtue of pure presence quickened it into life – all living – and without seeds created all life into all.  There is not but one Creator and the Creator is called Jehovih.  Also Jehovih sent his son Uz and Uz said, hear mankind all the mysteries of heaven and earth will I clear up before your judgement.  You are created by Jehovih.  Learn all wisdom.  Many will be led astray and so many will return. Some will need to be retrained in the great wisdom and truths.  Know the father’s kingdoms and his places in the great firmament.  Even this day with your rockets and flying things, you can’t reach past the galaxies. Only those of pure soul will be called and these times are the times of change.  No gurus to follow.  I have sent, said Jehovih, no Matreyas, no new Buddhas and no saviours.  Know that Creator keeps all to create in one place and others elsewhere.

Read the green Oahspe (produced by Ray Palmer).  Know that before earth there were other planets and there are other planets today. Know that there are many distant places even for souls, spirits and others.  Do not follow the pied pipers of confusion. Know that nothing they bring is new.

In Oahspe, refer to Zeus De’uis 435.6 482.14;  Baal – Osire 64.613 188 – 8. 193.10  282. 31 – 37 -6
144.16 – 167  168.1-4  64  613 614 –49
Know the resemblance to the Jesus story of Zarathustra being in the bushes thirty days and nights with no eating or drinking 193-10.
He did feed the people for 30,000 people 221.7 to 222.15.
See here where Christianity fails  247 – 248.9 – 12.
Called Zoaraaster in the Fonecian language 333.1  668.2-15   543-14 to 20   545.35   669.20
The laws 188   8 -193-282-283.31 37.6
Compare and know the murders in Alexandria and the burning of the Library of Alexandria and then on to the story of the Buddhas.

And then the awakening to the Muslims.  Then last of all why the Jews need to seek and make peace for the soul since the planet is in danger and the Creator guides them and the time is now to have kindness between the Palestinians and the other nearby lands. No wars. Fools will keep creating wars and destroy all life

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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One Response to Don’t Be Entrapped – Awaken – Change

  1. jamie says:

    William Schuler Says:

    August 26th, 2010 at 7:43 am

    I don’t agree about dairy or about vegetables that grow below ground. There’s nothing wrong with consuming dairy products or vegetables that grow below ground.


    The Saoshyant Says:

    August 26th, 2010 at 5:53 pm

    Of note… It has been proven over many, many years by spiritual researchers that the consumption of cow’s milk has caused many serious bouts of arthritis and rheumatism in the human body, thus taking the mind away from spiritual progression into a state of pain and suffering. It also has become clear that babies who were raised on goat’s milk do much better and yet there are cases where also the child suffered from congestion but not as severe as when on cow’s milk. Coconut milk has proven to be a very good source of nutrients. As we can see, people who lived on islands where there were no goats and cows, and babies were fed coconut milk had superior teeth and bone structures.

    If we look in the topics, birds like macaws sustain themselves on nuts and live over a hundred years. Elephants, giraffes and horses are all vegetarian and lead long, healthy lives. The root vegetables are void of sunlight and even moonlight. These vital vibrations are lacking. Vibrations are the main stimulants for soul growth in the human body. The health and temperament of people who thrive upon fruits and vegetables grown above ground are more balanced. It is not to say that people can never eat root vegetables or consume dairy.

    It is to say that they will be more spiritually balanced when they don’t. Sometimes, however, people have no choice but to live on root vegetables due to weather conditions and availability of alternative sources.

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