A View of Pope Benedict XVI and His Practice of Religion

In this a historic visit to Britain for Pope Benedict XVI and is it a fundraiser?  He definitely did not go to soothe the suffering of male and female victims of sexual abuse perpetrated by Roman Catholic clergy, although he made minimal overtures of apology. Yet, during his 28 years as a Cardinal, when he supposedly knew of the abuse, he did nothing to stop it.  Interesting to note is that there are reportedly many priests in Africa and other areas of the world who have wives and children, whether sanctified by the church or not.

Let us take a look at the history of the Roman Catholic Church – when it started and how it expanded.  Look to year 325 in the 4th Century when Emperor Constantine was in power, accompanied by his wife who, as is said in many circles, practised some form of witchcraft and was definitely pagan.  Constantine started what is now known as the Roman Catholic Church.  He was the inventor of the Jesus story, having taken the account of Zarathustra as its basis.  The Jesus story was in fact the Zarathustra story made over by Constantine for his purposes. Later Christian priests and monks burnt down the Library of Alexandria on several occasions in order to get rid of the evidence of the Zarathustra account, resulting in the slaughter of many Zarathustrians, who were not Mithraists. Constantine (also known as Custennyn/Custenin) reigned for 31 years.

Rome was a place of hard rulers, strife, prostitution and thievery.  At one time they had three popes in France, Germany and Italy.  Later this was reduced to two popes who ended up in battle over the throne.  One did win and the other took off to a place in the Middle East, where he created Islam and the prophet Mohammed.  Despite the Muslims being a break off of the Catholic Church, Christians and Muslims are not friendly.  In addition, during the 1200s to 1800s, great hatred was created by the Roman Catholic Church towards the Jews. Yet, the Zarathustrians and Jews are the oldest to believe in and worship the Creator and have never strayed from this.  Know that on one of the pyramids in Egypt there still exist carvings depicting Zarathustra and his mother riding a donkey in their flight to the Valley of the Goats.  Come to the realization that the pyramids were built long before the Christian story ever came about.

We need to return our thoughts today to our Creator who is the one all of all pure and divine Supreme Being.  No one – not anyone – can take away or overshadow our Creator.

When the Cardinals voted in the latest Pope, knowing that he was associated with Hitler youth and the Luftwaffe, was a shock for many.  Now he is involved front and centre in the sexual abuse scandals surfacing in the Catholic Church.  Are people so bamboozled by the pomp and ceremony and programming that they can no longer reason?  It is like the pied piper coming to town to gather the faithful, who may question but who “forgive” the indiscretions.

I am sorry that the Catholic Church through the centuries has shed so much blood and suppressed so many truths.  I was given great insight into the inner workings of the church and Vatican by insiders – Cardinals and Bishops who came to visit my father in his home in Holland and to ask me questions, for they knew me as the “Little Prophet ” and that I was freeing myself of my father’s Catholic ancestry. By the age of 9, I had convinced my father to leave the church.  Yet, later, invitations were sent from several Popes to me through their personal secretaries (the last in 1973) but I declined.

My belief was and is with Creator and Zarathustra.  I would speak with my wonderful Rabbi friend about the joy of serving Creator and the sorrow I felt for humanity lost and which now needs to rethink the path of their souls and know that there is nothing above the Creator. There is no need to bow down to others.  Humanity needs to seek peace in self through knowing the one Creator. Religious hatred and prejudice would end if this were done.

Insider cardinals who left Vatican have said in the past that the Mary figure is actually Zarathustra’s mother.  There are many Gods on this planet in the physical and planes above it. The Chinese and other cultures know that there are many gods.  Others only see what they have been programmed to know.  If you wish to be empowered, read the original 1882 writings of Oahpse.

I have respect for all people from all religious and spiritual backgrounds. I am not seeking to attack, but rather to educate and inform so that people can research and reach their own conclusions.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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