Obama and America

You say it is not my business?  Yes it is, for what happens in the USA has global impact.  There is opportunity for Obama to gather different people from around the globe for the peace process.  From my point of view, the sooner there is peace in the Middle East, the better for the planet. At home he should look at bringing people together, for America is like a bouquet of flowers that could peacefully co-exist in Creator’s creation.  They should not single out any flower to be discarded whether yellow, gold, black, brown, red or white.

When Mr. Obama became President of the USA, a great change took place.  First, he became the one who inherited failing bad wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Second, he started with a country that was in the midst of a major economical downturn and the coffers were lacking.  He had people who thought they knew, but did not really know the very poor economical state the country was in.  Then there were those who saw the racist danger and the hard time it would be to turn it, and jumped ship.

I am not in America but I see the need for all loyal Americans to help President Obama and their great country.  Obama is not a warrior.  He knows, as many of you know, that war in Afghanistan has started and failed 17 times in the past at tremendous cost to human life and creating great hatred. It has been so wrong to war there. Rather, this country needs to be rebuilt.  All that its citizens have known for so long is the hardship and tragedy of war. The war there can’t be won by bombing. It can only be won through economical changes, patience and providing education to all women, men and children. Look at what has taken place in Iraq – the devastation to the people – the destruction of its infrastructure.  All that was needed was to have replaced Saddam Hussein and his regime.

Now President Obama, who has opened the door as the first black presidential representative, needs all Americans to not be stirred emotionally by “Tea or Coffee Parties,” but rather to be in their own intelligence.  Sarah Palin has influence among Tea Party supporters.  She endorsed/supported Tea Party favourite Christine O’Donnell, who dabbled in satanic witchcraft.  What else can you have that would be more different than someone’s colour?  The ones who don’t want the country to be successful will take it down.

I am a woman in a man’s world – a spiritual being who has learned a lot about the human race and one who survived WW II.  I believe that I have seen it all – from monster Germans to monster liberators.  Within 24 hours of the war ending, a Canadian soldier, who believed that there was something of value to be had in my home in Holland, attempted to kill my Pappa. Also after the war ended, there were American soldiers who stole people’s pet dogs – pets that had miraculously survived the war itself.  I saw and tasted the hatred between religions during the war.  Now I see the thing of race, creed, colour and religion dividing the planet.  People need to realise that they are all the same – all are of soul.

I am First Nations and know what it means to be different.  Many of you know it too so let no one fall to false rumours of Tea Parties.  Be in the know.  Give Obama and America a chance.  Help.  Yes you can stop the wars.  Build America.  I say to stand by America’s Obama.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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2 Responses to Obama and America

  1. Linda says:

    With all respect, Your Holiness, I did support Obama, but since he legalized the indefinite detention of US citizens on suspicions of crimes, and he is orchestrating drone attacks around the world, killing innocents, and so many other breaches of his campaign promises…. I don’t know that I can support him.

    • Dear Linda,

      I appreciate your concern about Obama but as I said there is no viable third alternative who has surfaced. So it is like a game of badminton between the Democrats and Republicans. You need to weigh the consequence of making a choice for Romney versus Obama, for that is what it really comes down to.

      I believe that Presidents are basically puppets controlled by the New World Order but Obama has a sense of justice that Romney does not have and this could bode better for the USA. The public needs to demand honour from their president and force them to be compassionate, rather than running to replace them with someone who could be far, far worse. Just imagine if the puppet who comes into control is one of the strong proponents of the New World Order. I agree with you regarding Obama implementing policies that are contrary to human rights, good governing and to what his campaign platform was, but the public can force him into honouring the right things through massive public campaigns and pressure which, in turn, gives him the tool he needs to make alternative decisions.

      I am disappointed too in Obama but if a choice needs to be made between him and a representative of the all-controlling Mormon Church, the New World Order and big business, we could end up seeing millions ending up in dire poverty and the USA tumbling into a very big war with the USA’s youth being used as cannon fodder. Remember that wars are how weapon manufacturers and investors make their money. One need only look at the former Bush administration and the disasters they created.

      If Romney had been so pro-America, he would not have diversified his investments in so many places out of the country. He would also not side-step questions and be forthcoming in his disclosures. Romney speaks of his family’s Cadillacs but doesn’t tell people they are built in China.

      Obama came into a situation of great loss and failure of the George Bush administration. Since this is coming down to a two-man race, my concern is that Romney might win and propel the USA into an even bigger global disaster.

      All everyone needs to learn is to be compassionate, honour life and love one another for then there will be no wars.

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