Out of Greed and Into Wisdom

People are being steered into believing there is no Creator.  They generate fear and more fear… arrogance … and control.  “Kill, kill,” they say.  This is what is out there being stirred up amongst the masses.  They say that there are too many elders and that the planet is overpopulated!  And then you see the major flood disasters in Pakistan and northern India.

We need to awaken to the problem of carbon emissions and the hullabaloo about oil being the only way.  Greed is the one holding us in a trap, along with egos that say, “Look at me now.”   When they were young people would say, “Look mommy and daddy.  I can have, or I already have, more than you.  Look at me now.”   Know it.  The farmer says, “I grow a larger crop then you do with my grain, vegetables, potatoes, coffee or tea.  I raise more cows than you.  I have more, more and more.”

Look at the problems created with the “never have enough” people.  Is our trap controlled?  Are we being controlled by a bunch of very selfish people?.  When there is hunger and hardship, farmers helplessly throw away tons of food.  Processing plants could process all this discarded food and ship it to places experiencing hardship to make this a better world for all.

We need to be in more wisdom.  Are we to save the lives and brains of people or spend more money on going to Mars?   Know that the space travellers are watching you.  They know humanity to be a very primitive race.  They have come here for thousands of years. You must be careful about which different ones visit and the rulers behind the scenes.  Some of the travellers have stripped the planet for many generations of its gold, platinum and copper.  Just think that this has been done since the time of the Pharaohs to this time of Obama.

You need to be careful now of what you do with your elders. You are going to need them because of what they learned not to do in seeking peace and harmony.  You need to be in the know.  Many elders are wise and will help.  Use them to teach reasoning to 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders. Don’t throw Creator out with the bath water. To me Creator is real.

I advise a good read called “Oahpse” (the version published by Ray Palmer).

Show kindness and have a safe journey into a pure life.  Living greedily will not save you or anyone.  Fix your own planet first before you go to some other place and make a big “me, me” mess there too.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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