Lifting the Veil

Three claps and the veil lifted.

We are now in the time of the beginning and celebrate soon the ending of the dark side.  Soon Tae (a human form of evolved being) will appear.

When Looeamong has run through countries and created many followers and when he has mixed religions and others “isms”  and destroyed families and countries by upheaval and wars to gather souls for his kingdom, we will see around us evidence of Mu, Atlantis, Pan and the rest.  We may see a map soon revealed that was missing and evidence of “crossings” – a hole in the centre of the cross.  Christians don’t know that the cross they wear is not Christian but rather the symbol of “Crossings” – the place where the Ethereans have travelled through when coming to and going from our earth plane, to places beyond those seen and unseen by human eyes and known to the wise and informed.

The time is now for the ones who travel space are soon to be known to all.  The ones who need to be in the power of life will come as one and prepare without fear and all will be in the know.

It is a time of need to awaken into knowing that my prophecies are being fulfilled. I warn of another strange year of weather now that the earth plane is in a point of turning.  The ecology needs to be repaired – returning the trees, stabilizing nature and animal life and stopping all hatred.  Thoughts are things.  Harsh thoughts bring famine cycles of life.  Kind thoughts bring peace and abundance.  Seven years of hardship have begun.  It is time to change.

Wars are from greed, one-upmanship and the ones who build weapons.  Too many have suffered by religious one-upmanship and hatred – be it to Jews, Protestants, different Roman Catholics from Greek to Russian to Armenian or the Vatican’s Romans or to the break-off Muslim religion.  Just see the suffering and hatred.  Millions of Zarathustrians lost their lives.  Even the President of the USA is not in the know that the Zarathustrians are the oldest, most peaceful belief – older than Judaism.  They are still on the planet – in Iran, India, Canada, USA, Belgium, France, Holland, and other areas, with some underground, even hiding suppressed in other religions. Read the accounts in history about the Library of Alexandria. The early start-ups from Rome murdered millions over a span of ten years.

I say that the choice for Zarathustrians to come to me is still a mystery since I thought they were waiting for a male prophet.  It seems that Creator may have had a divine wish.   I remain humble in the meantime.  I took ten years from 1994 to 2004 to decide to accept their acknowledgement as Saoshyant – waiting and seeing, feeling it was too much since I had also accepted the honour of being Peace Speaker for First Nations. I do feel great honour in being recognized as the Saoshyant – the prophet – by Zarathustrians. I hope to offer empowerment and build a path where all must know one planet and one Creator for all peoples, and that the power is not a man’s path but for a woman also since soul and spirit are of Creator.  During these times peace must come by way of balancing both male/female – yin/yang.  Peace is to come – to overcome religious labels and labels of rich versus poor. Many angels are poor or rich.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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