Calling People to Sanity and Peace

The gays are of creation too and are good people.

Where is gracious life or living?  How is it to slander a God and put words in the mouths of dieties?  You make the Creator see how deeply the human race is sinking, tearing apart his creations and slandering pure life.  Judge not so you may not be judged as harshly as you judge others. Have respect for all life.  Seek peace.  Love one another.  Read all about creation and shun all who hate others or feel others are filthy.

Your pastors need to check themselves and repent.  Shame on all who hate and murder the created.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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