One Creator – Many Gods

Some earth travellers asked me about God.  Here are my answers.

First of all, there are many gods! Just look at India and other countries, which offered God status to monkeys.  Their countries suffer from monkey business.  The ox is a God too in some places and we know there are bull-headed behaviours there.

The thing is there is one Creator for all. It is time to stop the lies and to correct the ancient teachings of many Gods who were created after the last polar shift or who were leftovers from before the last polar shift.  It is better to do this before the imminent polar shift. One must correct the confusions created by well meaning souls too.  This applies even to the ones who organised the great book Oahpse as someone still has a great deal of unpublished pages from it according to my information from the heavenly realms and from Ray and Mrs. Ray Palmer in my late 1960s and early 1970s conversations with them.

We now still have a short time to change who we want to be – a total religious warring planet, a planet that keeps fighting over the many Gods or a planet where all turn to our Creator.  Peace is one thought away.  Harmony comes from ending all killing – animals and mankind.  Set free all political dissidents now.  Ask for a global day to be set to end conflicts.  Feed and shelter the poor.  Destroy all weapons. Dismantle war materials everywhere.  Take 5 years to do it.  Have all governments pledge to no killing.  Ban jail killings.  Live by Creator’s law.  Know that the Creator created all souls perfect.  They became corrupt and can change.

Stop pollution.  End the “me, me,” and “I must have more than your country” societies.   Help the broken ones. Set up land to build tire homes for the homeless, including the gypsies. Build rehabilitation pavilions to realign the way one thinks to have all understand peace.  Crime-free living is the only way to commit self to self discipline.  This is no longer a time to question your God.  The planet needs to learn the many influences from warring Gods.  People need to come to accept one Creator and male/female as equal energies.  Be loving.  Turn inward naturally. Meditate.  Be still Quieten the mind.  Let spirit and soul unite.  Do this 4 times a day first 10 minutes and then increase the length of time to more.

Peace will be the result.  Teach love through meditations. Peace is the prize.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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