A Planet in Distress – Know Your Soul

Creator is …

The angels warned  …

The earth knows best …

Do you know the secret?

When our planet is in distress we must overcome our selfishness, search our souls and be forgiven by our planet.  Stop wars now.  Create a better world.

In 2011, go within to open the doors of consciousness and come to self justice and an inner awakening in a pure realm of being and knowingness.

I call all of the pure-intent earth planet travellers.  Know your soul.  It holds all deeds, good and bad, in the vaults of the brain and soul chamber – the great you.

My visitors wanted to know why there are the many dimensions. As I discussed in 1975 with Mr. Chris Warnken, dimensions and memories the all of the all pure soul will hold in order to make you come in desire of a pure being state and harmony of life ever after.  Aging, accidents and even lengthy sickness will force self-analysis.  Then, the men and women in confinement – from prisons to mental institutions – are maybe using their time to look at past deeds and actions and the decisions made in their lives, whether when in states of foolishness or mean coercing or even in survival mode at the time.  Those, who were never in spiritual pureness where they were attuned, have a lack of reasoning and can’t easily see that pure actions of life are discipline and seeking harmony at any age.  The young are told that it is great to join armies or even gangs or fanatic religions, which believe that killing is okay.  They use the excuse that the others started it first and are going to kill us. This is what has been done for centuries.

Know to be prepared.  You don’t need to climb a great mountain or go to another country or run to a religion or a priest.  It will not help.  Nor will $10,000 or even a $100,000 to the lamas, Gods or statues of any kind.

Now you think it is time to help yourself when in the news you hear of tons of dead fish appearing and dead birds falling from the sky – all kinds around the planet.  Many ask about this and are in fear that is it the end of time.

Well, let us see.  Is it not a polar shift condition or conditions? Yes, I believe earthquakes in some areas as well as volcanoes can release very hot water from the inner earth. Sudden freezing can be produced.  Chemtrails poison the air.  We can look at sudden temperature changes as our planet is changing left to right, up/down, north/south or east/west.

No matter what, I say to make peace now with your ancestors.  Ask to be pardoned by your relations.  Be self-searching and have great peace.  Learn to be kind and lovely to all life. Contemplate your life and heal your soul. Be pure as gasses could appear from other places in our wonderful universes.

We must stop wars, suffering and selfishness.  “Me, me” must end.  Have a pure heart.  The sinner knows his/her sins.  The idiot knows only darkness and pain.  I called you before.  Safety places are in your heart and my book, Be in the Know,   tells where they are located.  Be ready – body and soul.

I say to all that our times are changing.  There is no money or earthly possessions that can save you or that you can take with you to the afterworld.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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One Response to A Planet in Distress – Know Your Soul

  1. spirituallyinclined says:

    Your words move me more than I can say. I am so thankful to have found you. Thank you for what you do for humanity and the planet. The long awaited one is the right reference for you. The planet needs you. I have to say that I was watching Oprah being interviewed tonight by Piers Morgan. I was shocked to see that she seems to see herself as the guru to the world … the awakener, etc. It is scary to think she holds herself in such high regard when she echoes Echhart Tolle’s philosophy as her own (and I happen to think he is mightily thwarted in his thinking to begin with).

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