Open Letter to National Geographic

Open letter to To National Geographic – Mr. Chris Johns (Editor in Chief)

Dear Mr. Johns,

I respectfully write to say that I believe Don Belt’s essay, “Searching for Miracles,“ in the recent special edition of National Geographic on “Earth’s Holiest Places – Sacred Journeys,” might be more aptly named “The farce of Christianity and its murderers.”

May I ask please, where is reference to the first one Creator sent to earth after the last polar shift – Zarathustra?

Afghanistan’s sacred history needs to be exposed, as does the sacred life of Zarathustra, which began in Afghanistan.  Then you need to go to Egypt where there is a great deal of truth to be found, even carved into the stones of the great pyramid – where you see the father or the donkey driver and the mother.  The all-pure child Zarathustra is depicted and etched in stone, not Jesus.  Jesus was an invention from the Emperor Constantine

There is more than enough evidence of the readjusted Zarathustra story used to create the Jesus story.  Just a point of truthfulness from Rome’s servants, Cardinals and Deacons … One cross was offered to some women and men as holding the true wood of the Christ cross.  In three different gatherings around the world it was offered as ebony, olive tree wood and another type of wood not found in the area.

When a magazine such as the colourful National Geographic starts to change history as it is doing in this special edition issue, I hope you go back and look more closely at what is claimed as sacred journeys.  It feels more of an attempt to change the history of spiritual events.  The miracles from Zarathustra are still taking place around the world.  The site of the eternal flame in Iran could have been included, as miracles are known to occur there. The descendants of ancient Zarathustrians must feel great sadness when they see the beautiful photographic accounts of Christianity, etc., but when never is given breath to the roots ` – the Zarathustrian account.

Zarathustrians are known to be peaceful and non-warring.  I hope for all Zarathustrians, including those who had to leave Persia, that their spiritual life is not once more trampled over.  Constantine ransacked the first Library of Alexandria and murdered so many. The story of Zarathustra and the murders committed and fires set to cover up history, are still there – waiting to be uncovered.   Keep the Jesus story a story and history pure.

I am just asking for the truth.


H.H. Alexandra H.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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