Pure Life

Oh Creator, hear – the planet is calling – calling you, oh Creator.  You made us all good.  Humanity is calling you and all Ethereans.  Please, the planet, the angels and all call you.  We need your redemption for all the non-believers.  The animals and all are calling to know you hear them.  Oh, Creator.  We need your motherly understanding.  We need your fatherly ways.  Hear us.  We are calling.  Everyone is calling.  Yes, even the non-believers are calling you.  All angels come and help all.  Hear all.  All races are awakened to the call.  Bring peace back to all.  Oh dear Creator, we are giving thanks from humanity and are in prayers asking to stop all confused haters who are, or were, trained by devils of darkness –   fools.

Come all you people.  There is so much good you can do.  Raise up new friends.  Raise up your love and new opportunities will come.  Kindness sows joy and breeds new opportunities and dreams of new beginnings for all.  Come.  Be connected – sowing seeds of kindness.  Oh yes, you can.

Love our planet.  Train the children from when they are young to honour life created.  Learn to love.  Have kind hearts and respect for elders.  Help the sick and the poor to live in harmony – all races and colours under pure laws, free of greed and hate.  End the “me, me, me” society.  Don’t be afraid.  Stand as one. Ban all haters and thieves of peace.

Think of real values. What are they?  Are you a pure soul, a soul full of hatred or a killer soul?  Choose.  Become pure.  Choose life.  Love the planet.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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