Live Life As Advanced Soul

Calling from your soul – calling an awakening into living wise and compassionate lives.  Humanity – fear not truth and shed barbaric ways of living.

You who are awake, have the power to create a civil way of life and living.  You, who are the “me” and the “me, me, me” ones are evolving from barbaric “me” into gentle kindness and wisdom, rising out of false programming by the ‘superior’ religions and the ‘pure races’ or ‘race’ from Hitler’s time.

Now it is again a great problem with murders and war taking place to become superior, feeding the money to ‘superior’ weapons’ manufacturers and traders who build tanks and war machines and planes of death and hatred.  You have women and men flying over places, dropping bombs on people they never knew – filling the orders for the ones in charge.  You have children who are forever hating and fearing wars created by some sleaze who told a numbskull head, who was too stupid to reason, to go and hate his or her neighbour because they are a different religion or colour or live in a different village or build their houses differently or speak a different language.

We, whoever we are and wherever we live, need to learn to live life from our advanced souls, not crazed egos.  Men are not more spiritual or powerful than women!  They are not wiser.  They have abused their maleness making Creator a male god who is cruel, not wise.  Just think of a pure, wise, kind, just, loving Creator who called beings into living – females and males – to create paradise on earth, free of hatred.

Now is the time to say no to wars.  Begin with respect for our planet, rebuilding all life and races and overcoming religious differences.  Know the name Moses or Jacob or Sam comes around throughout the planet.  So too the name Jesus.

So have love for each other.  We can be the tools or conduits for the miraculous.  We can rise up to end our weakness and one-upmanship, offer strength and teach the truth to our children by being in a state of great honour, awakened in kindness and compassion.

Be free of murder and hatred.  End all wars and negotiate for the good of our planet.  Stop the great abuse of women and children.  Say no to killing.  Create kind and pure souls now.  Give good healing.  Stop the torture of women and rape of girls and boys.  Stand up to bad medicine of all kinds and end the false money making by the pharmaceutical companies.  Say no to more war.  Let the warmongers build a life of peace.  Heal all life.  Say the truth now.  End greedy living.

About The Saoshyant, H.H Alexandra

Her Holiness brings empowering self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true enlightenment through active awakening of communication and interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and of bringing them into balance by living through pure divinity instead of through confusion and emotions.
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One Response to Live Life As Advanced Soul

  1. Wm says:

    UNIVERSAL FAITHISTS OF KOSMON UFK News News letter of progress on buildings for the coming orphans.

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